
The invites Public To Join ADAO and ACOR in Lighting Candles December 28

Please read the announcement below from ADAO:

Please join us in our Mesothelioma ACOR longstanding tradition, as we light candles online and in our homes in memory of those we have lost on December 28th and in honor of those still in the fight on January 4th.

We will light a candle from 7:00 PM until 8 PM local time.  With Warriors from around the world, we can have candles lit for the entire 24 hours.

To add your loved one’s name to our 2011 list, please email

Deadline for new Warrior additions or edits is December 20, 2011.

Jill, you continue to keep the flame of hope and courage burning brightly in our hearts and minds.   We are deeply grateful to ACOR for bringing us together.

With love, The ACOR & ADAO Team

In loving memory of Mesothelioma Warriors - December 28th

On December 28th, light four candles in loving memory of our Mesothelioma Warriors who have lost their courageous battle. “As we light these four candles in honor of you, we light one for our grief, one for our courage, one for our memories, and one for our love.”

LIGHT THE FIRST CANDLE:  ‘The light of this first candle represents our grief. The pain of losing you is intense. It reminds us of the depth of our love for you.”

LIGHT THE SECOND CANDLE: “The light of this second candle represents the courage it takes to confront our sorrow, to comfort each other, to change our lives.”

LIGHT THE THIRD CANDLE: “This third candle is a light to all of our memories of you. To the times we laughed, the times we cried, the times we were angry with each other, the silly things you did, the caring and the joy you gave us.”

LIGHT THE FOURTH CANDLE: “This fourth candle is the light of our love. As we go forward, day by day we cherish the special place in our hearts that will always be reserved for you. We thank you for the gift your life brought to each of us. We love you always.”

In honor and support of Mesothelioma Warriors courageously battling disease- January 4th

On January 4th, light four candles in honor of our Mesothelioma Warriors to:

LIGHT THE FIRST CANDLE:  Remind us of love



LIGHT THE FOURTH CANDLE: Strengthen our pledge to continue

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