
Cold Weather Tips For Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer Patients

Winter weather is upon us, and temperatures are dropping outside.  In Winter, the air can become very cold and dry.  If you are suffering from mesothelioma or an asbestos caused lung cancer, it is important to try to stay as warm as possible.  Exposure to cold actually stresses the body’s immune system, by decreasing the flow of white blood cells throughout the body.  If you are suffering from mesothelioma or lung cancer, it is especially important to try to avoid contracting a cold virus, as your respiratory system is already compromised.  Moreover, if you are undergoing radiation therapy, you may already have a lower the level of surfactant in your lungs, making it more difficult to breathe.

If you start to suffer any signs of a cold virus, you should discuss it with your doctor immediately, to prevent the virus progressing to pneumonia. Also remember to ask your doctor about these tips:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Sleeping with an extra pillow.
  • Using a humidifier, but first this must be discussed with your oncologist.
  • There are also steroids available to aid your breathing as well, that your doctor can


We at the Asbestos Legal Center want to extend our Season Greetings and Best Wishes to all who are suffering from asbestos related diseases this Holiday Season. It as our honor to continue the legal fight on behalf of clients like you and your families, and to continue to work towards ending the injustices and suffering caused by asbestos exposure.

Wishing you a warm and happy Holiday Season with your loved ones.

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